18 Jan 2011

Bruno M-arsehole

I'm sure he's got tons of fans judging by the success of his records but OH MY GOD, I hate him! Well I hate his songs...I'm sure he's a very nice person.  I myself am in a relationship so it's not a bitter-and-alone scenario, his lyrics are just beyond sickly. I mean, if my fiance said he would throw himself in front of a train or catch a grenade to prove his love I'd probably check him into an asylum. It's just too much.

I wanted to know if I was the only one who was scratching their ears off whilst simultaneously trying to change the radio station so I asked people on facebook. The feedback was a resounding agreement from both males and females that he needs to shut up and never record another song. So, thankfully not just me then...what do you all think?

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